Talk with us

We provide support from Monday to Friday, office hours  within 24 hours
We have Central European Time / UTC/GMT +1 hours 

Consider visiting these resources

Do you need support?


Have you checked our official documentation?

If you did and could not find an answer or solution, send us a message.


If you are using the Free edition of Salon Booking you need to post your support request on the official WordPress forum.

Recent versions changelogs


13.12.2024 – 10.10.1

* Fixed vulnerability issue


* Improved UI on back-end booking creation
* Added “Discounts details” inside booking export to CSV
* Fixed vulnerability issue
* Fixed minor issues
* Fixed WPML missing text strings

    free users need to use the support forum to report issues.

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    we’ll never share your data with thirs party entities and we don’t like spam