Well done!

Have a look at what’s behind the scenes.

Click on thumbnails to see the backend options and features of Salon Booking.

Front-end | User personal reservations page

Booking my account – page

Where users can control their upcoming reservations and eventually cancel them

Front-end | User personal reservations page

Booking my account – page II

Where users can send a feedback to the Salon’s manager about the services received

Back-end | Bookings calendar - monthly view

Back-end reservations calendar – montly view

Where Salon’s manager and his staff memeber can control their reservations

Back-end | Bookings calendar - daily view

Back-end reservations calendar – daily view

Where Salon’s manager and his staff memeber can control their reservations

Back-end | Close-up on Bookings rules settings page

“Booking rules” settings page

Where Salon’s manager can set his booking rules in order to fit his salon’s needs

Back-end | Close-up on Bookings rules settings page

“Booking rules” settings page II

Where Salon’s manager can set his booking rules in order to fit his salon’s needs

Back-end | Service detail settings page

Service settings page

Where Salon’s manager can add and set the features of his services

Back-end | Assistant detail settings page

Assistant settings page

Where Salon’s manager can set the features of his assistants

“Payments” settings page

Where Salon’s manager can set his favourite payment method, currency. He can disable online payments or to hide prices.

“SMS” notifications and Anti-spam feature settings page

Where Salon’s manager can set his SMS provider, and SMS notifications to customers and assistants. SMS reminder and SMS verification code to prevent spammers.

Google Calendar synchronization settings page

Where Salon’s manager can connect his Google Calendar account with Salon Booking plugin in order to display all reservations on his Google Calendar.

Customers archive page

Where Salon’s manager can control all his customers and for each of them have all the contact details, their reservation history and other statitics

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[custom_font font_family=”Crete Round” font_size=”25″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”italic” text_align=”left” font_weight=”400″ color=”” background_color=”” text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”0″ padding=”0″ margin=”0″]What Salon Booking can really do for you?[/custom_font]


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