Salon Booking System Business Hosted Plan

From now on, you can decide to move your website to our servers and take advantage of the specific configuration and setup that will make your website  faster and Salon Booking System running quicker and smoother.

We receive many support requests, too much actually, where our customers reports issues that are mainly due to a poor server configuration or, much simpler, due to a cheap hosting plan.

Salon Booking System is not a simply WordPress plugin, it is a complex booking platform that resides on your website and uses your server resources.

When this environment is not optimized, our plugin will be affected and the basic functionalities will not work as expected. Slow booking process for your salon customers, slow loading of the back-end calendar for your staff members,
slower mobile app etc. etc.

For this reason, we developed a special plan called:

Business Hosted Plan

that includes:

  • Salon Booking System – Business Plan license
  • Top performance hosting service
  • Full migration service

Official price: 200€ / yearly billed

For the first 100 existing customers that will opt in for this new plan we’ll offer a special price of 160€ / yearly billed.

You can upgrade your current license to the “Business Hosted Plan”, paying the difference only.

Things to be aware of:

  • You need to keep your current hosting for the domain maintenance and for your current emails accounts.
  • You could ask your current hosting to change your plan and pay only for domain and emails accounts maintenance.
  • To access to this new plan you need to provide us the access to your hosting panel.
  • You need to keep your subscription plan with us Active. When you’ll cancel it, the hosting service will be stopped.
  • Your website will reside on, a top worldwide server provider.
  • The hosting service provided will cover exclusively the basic needs of your WordPress website hosting, any other kind of different purpose will not be covered.


Main advantages of this plan:

  • Special server setup for a Salon Booking System optimization
  • No more issues due to the server misconfiguration
  • A faster website and more responsive booking system
  • No more techy concerns due to the correct server maintenance
  • A support desk dedicated to server related inquiries
  • Files manager panel

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